Study For All Competitive Exam

Friday, September 8, 2017


1. Which of the following public sector banks has the largest number of branches in foreign countries?
Bank of India
Bank of Baroda
Punjab National Bank
Corporation Bank
Answer (b).

2. The only merger of two public sector banks took place between -
Bank of India and New Bank of India
Punjab National Bank and New Bank of India
Allahabad Bank and United Bank of India
Punjab National Bank and Bank of Rajasthan
Answer (b).

3. Which of the following banks was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1919?
Bank of Maharashtra
Bank of Baroda
State Bank of Saurashtra
Union Bank of India
Answer (d).

4. After State Bank of India, which of the following banks has the largest number of offices?
Punjab National Bank
Bank of India
Andhra Bank
Canara Bank
Answer (a).

5. Which of the following rates are reviewed by the RBI at the time of periodical review of the policy?
Bank rate
Repo rate
Savings bank rate
Only 1
Only 2
Both 1 and 2
All the three
Answer (d).

6. What are teaser loan rates charged by banks?
Rate of interest which is competitively changed in relation to other banks
Floating rate of interest charged by banks
Low rate of interest in the initial period which goes up subsequently
Higher rate of interest in the initial period which goes down subsequently
Answer (c).

7. Which of the following terms is used in banking field?
Interest rate swap
Input devices
Zero Hour
Answer (a).

8. Expand the term EMI as used in banking/finance sector?
Easy Monthly Instalment
Equal Monthly Investment
Equated Monthly Instalment
Equated Mortgage Investment
Answer (c).

9. Bank rate is decided by which of the following?
Reserve Bank of India
Government Of India
State Bank of India
Securities and Exchange Board of India
Answer (a).

10. With which of following types of loans are teaser rates related?
Home loans
Personal loans
Auto loans
Reverse mortgage loans
Answer (a).

11. What does M in M-Banking Facility being offered by banks to their customers, stand for?
Mobile Phone
Answer (d).

12. Which of the following is/are true about the Sub-Prime Crisis?
It is a mortgage crisis referring to credit default by the borrowers.
Sub-Prime borrowers were those borrowers who were rated low and were high risk borrowers.
This crisis originated because of negligence in credit rating of the borrowers.
Only 1
Only 2
Only 3
All 1, 2, and 3
Answer (d).

13. Match the following mergers of banks
List IList II
A. Centurion Bank of Punjab 1. ICICI Bank
B. Bank of Rajasthan 2. Punjab National Bank
C. Global Trust Bank 3. HDFC Bank
D. Nedungadi Bank 4. Oriental Bank of Commerce

A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3
A - 3; B - 4; C - 1; D - 2
A - 2; B - 1; C - 4; D - 3
A - 3; B - 1; C - 4; D - 2
Answer (d).

14. At which of the following cities is the Head Office of Reserve Bank of India located?
New Delhi
Answer (a).

15. The reserves held by Commercial Banks over and above the statutory minimum, with the RBI are called
Cash reserves
Deposit reserves
Excess reserves
Momentary reserves
Answer (c).

16. In which year was the Imperial Bank of India rechristened as State Bank of India?
Answer (a).

17. Banking in India is controlled by :
Reserve Bank of India
Union Finance Commission
Union Ministry of Finance
Union Ministry of Commerce
Answer (a).

18. The Imperial Bank of India, after its nationalization came to be known as
Reserve Bank of India
State Bank of India
United Bank of India
Indian Overseas Bank
Answer (b).

19. Regional Rural Banks are sponsored by
Nationalised Commercial Bank
Reserve Bank of India
State Bank of India
Government of India
Answer (a).

20. Which is the country’s third largest private sector lender whose name has been officially changed to the Axis Bank ltd. ?
Lord Krishna Bank
Centurion Bank
UTI Bank
Answer (d).

21.In which year was the Reserve Bank of India established ?
Answer (a).

22. Expand the term LIBOR as used in financial banking sectors?
Local Indian Bank Offered Rate
London-India Bureau Of Regulations
Liberal International Bank Official Ratio
London Inter Bank Offered Rate
Answer (d).

23. Which of the following is the apex institution which handles refinance for agriculture and rural development in India?
Answer (c).

24. In which denomination were India's first bimetallic coins issued in the year 2009?
Rs. 100
Rs. 5
Rs. 10
Re. 1
Answer (c).

25. Which of the following is not the function of the Reserve Bank of India ?
Acting as banker to the Government
Keeping of Foreign Exchange Reserve
Issuing of one rupee notes and coins
Regulating credit in the country
Answer (c).


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